Driving Value Over a Period of Time

with Somya Kapoor,

CEO & Co-Founder, TheLoops

In this episode, Pete is joined by Somya Kapoor, CEO and Co-founder of TheLoops. Together they discuss how to get and keep the ball rolling within your teams and throughout your organization. From customer validation to the need for product CEOs, there is a lot to glean from here.
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Key topics in today’s conversation include:

  • Introducing TheLoops and Somya (0:37)
  • The biggest challenge at TheLoops (3:41)
  • What keeps Somya going as a leader (7:50)
  • One thing you have to get right to grow (11:19)
  • How Somya got into her position (14:10)
  • The issue that gave birth to TheLoops (18:28)
  • Who uses TheLoops (22:59)
  • TheLoops’ 12-month vision (26:17)
  • Thanking you for the journey to this point (30:58)
  • What SaaS(ramp) means to Somya (33:54)


The SaaS(ramp) Podcast explores how tech leaders scale from product adoption to enterprise success. Learn more at www.saasrampmedia.com.


Pete Thornton 0:06
Hey, all you rampants. Welcome back to The SaaS(ramp) Podcast. I’m your host, Podcast Pete, here with special guest today, Somya Kapoor, CEO and co-founder at TheLoops. Welcome to the show, Somya.

Somya Kapoor 0:19
Thanks, Pete. It’s really great to be here and I love your energy already.

Pete Thornton 0:23
Oh, man. It’s Podcast Pete time. I get all excited because I get to say it like a radio host. You know, old school.

Somya Kapoor 0:29
I can see that.

Pete Thornton 0:32
Hey, tell us—well, tell everybody—tell us where you’re at.

Somya Kapoor 0:37
TheLoops is all about transforming support with bringing, you know, product insights to support and support insights to everybody. And for sales interactions. You know, we are seed stage company, we’ve raised about 8.7 5 million in seed and we are almost on our second-year journey and helping customers, you know, completely take drive actionable insights from support and drive value, what’s the support anymore as a cost center but a value driver for their organizations?

Pete Thornton 1:09
This is a super cool platform. I got to see it just a touch of it like myself, because some of the things we do on the enablement side like it does overlap this if the enablement role stretches far enough. And in our case, it postman it does. So that was really interesting to see. And then you in particular are in a certain location kind of like hobnobbing with some other CEOs and co-founders? Tell us about yourself today.

Somya Kapoor 1:34
Yeah, so I am actually at Ritz Carlton here for at the enterprise retreat, where there’s select customers or select CEOs brought together every year by Mr. And we, you know, we get coaching, we learn from each other. It’s a very small intimate group of folks. And you know, being a new age, we’re not New Age, a young CEO, I might call it, it’s so much. It’s so good to hear from CEOs who have gone through walk the walk, dock the dock to see the challenges that they’re facing, or how they will overcome those challenges as opportunities as well. One thing is very common, they all are resilient and they have grit to get to the finish line.

Pete Thornton 2:17
I completely believe that. Yeah, there’s somebody we both know, walking around over there, though. You haven’t seen them yet. It sounds like Postman Baron Arbon not is somewhere in the building are supposed to be anyway.

Somya Kapoor 2:31
I heard. Yeah, he was supposed to be at the conference, I haven’t got a chance to meet him. But if I would, I’ll just drop by and say hi, I would say postman definitely meets Loops. As once I heard him at sastra. It was last year actually got on stage and saying, as part of being already CEO, he used to look at every Zendesk ticket that came in. And I’m like, I would have made your life so much better. I could have brought in insights that we didn’t need to look at every ticket, but actually got the nugget of information that you were looking.

Pete Thornton 3:00
There’s no lie about that. Like he definitely follows up on those tickets. He also listens to like call recordings and things like that. And he’s on top of it one after another. This is minute three in the podcast. Maybe we’ll just timestamp it right there, send it over to him and be like, “You know what you do? There’s something that can help with that.”

Somya Kapoor 3:19
Please do that.

Pete Thornton 3:20
And the others around that know about that, too. Okay, then you brought up something great. Everybody’s there sharing challenges, like places to be resilient. So maybe kick us off, as a CEO and co-founder, what is the biggest challenge you faced in the last six months at TheLoops?

Somya Kapoor 3:41
The theme last year was very much about talent. We did a whole word cloud with the roughly about 70 CEOs. So they asked us to give a name in. And everybody that got common unanimous word was talent, how to attract talent and keep them reading, right was the biggest theme, which as a startup founder a year ago, I would say it was was was astronomical for us because just attracting talent at such an early stage was a huge challenge as well as keeping them reading while retention. You know, I think we’ve we have we’ve done pretty well on that side. This year, when you asked everybody the same question, it will find the IQ and growth who are the two main points, but most of the CEOs of early stage startup to mid-market to growth, right, to highly startups that are in their D or E rounds as well up here, which highlighting that it’s all about the challenge for the next 12 months is going to be around growth and fundraising for each and every one of us.

Pete Thornton 4:49
Okay, is that kind of due to the macroeconomic headwinds that is being continued over maybe the last three or four months?

Somya Kapoor 4:58
It is. Definitely been Starting macroeconomics for companies of our stage in size is pretty much a heads-down, build a solution, create the attraction, create the momentum going on, this is the perfect time to build for seed and series A companies. But you know, like I said, there’s a portfolio of, you know, various companies up here that have depth and cherish sharing the challenges. And it’s so interesting to see with the macroeconomics how quickly the priorities of a CEO can change, right? All worrying about talent six months ago now worrying about growth, as you know, raising getting the next rounds.

Pete Thornton 5:37
That’s interesting. That is interesting. Okay, so with that, have you had to pivot your— I mean, what do you do when it’s time to pivot something like that? Or like you have changing priorities? How do you get that through your mind? And then how do you tactically change your day-to-day based on some of these things as they come to you day-by-day, week-by-week?

Somya Kapoor 5:58
I think we showed your growth plans, we were very aggressively looking at, you know, hiring and areas like that. You have to, you know, double down on your sales projections can see how well can you fall in deals that might get moved out to next year? Can you be a little bit creative on that side, at the end of the day, it’s all about gross margins and profits that you have to show, even for an early-stage startup like ourselves. So you’re just keeping the costs down keeping focus, because there’s too much noise outside so your invoice can also get lost, showing them the path to success, to goal, achievement is also kind of key and those elements. So those are very important things that, you know, you have to pivot and pivot very fast to keep your guys motivated.

Pete Thornton 6:47
Okay, and that to the making sure everybody’s still in the cycle still running hard, having a good time, just like always.

Somya Kapoor 6:54
It is. There’s so much noise outside in terms of layoffs, you know, every day, we hear public companies starting to lay off, you know, 11% of their workforce 10%, somewhere in 26%. So it does create that kind of, you know, drain for the employees as well, apart from, we have to now do more with less, also, right, keep the rigor going. So it is all about motivating the team, and making sure that there’s focused on what are the 12 months, 24 months wins to get to the finish line? The journey never ends. Yeah. Okay. But keeping them here are showing the small nuggets of success.

Pete Thornton 7:32
As far as leadership moments, do you have some favorites after the career that you had? It doesn’t even have to be at Loops, but it could be like anywhere along the way, anything come to mind as far as these little things that keep you going as a leader?

Somya Kapoor 7:48
Actually customer feedback. Pete, I can’t tell you how my day gets made or how excited I am the day the customer comes back and says, ‘Oh my God, this is a problem you solved. Somya, this product is so great. This is what exactly I wanted.’ It’s that moment where your child comes back and says, ‘Oh, mama, I won this award.’ And you’re like, ‘Oh yeah, I’m doing something right!’ That validation from your customers, in terms of if you can solve their problem, I think you have something over there to keep you going. At least that keeps me going. My customer validation keeps me going.

Pete Thornton 8:30
Completely not surprised to hear that at all. There was another podcast recently, CEO, Series B says same thing. It’s one of those things that he can’t quite get away from, even though he might be more efficient. If he spent less time with a customer, he keeps going back there. Because it helps not only validate, but informed for the future pieces of the product. But it’s just such, it’s maybe one of the reasons why you do it. And so I hear that very constantly, I’m not surprised at all to hear you say that.

Somya Kapoor 8:58
It’s very important for product CEOs, I feel. And I feel like if you’re building a product in today’s age, you can’t just be an operational CEO. In my mind, you have to be a product CEO, to see not only how the customers are using the product but how your product is getting shaped over a period of time to drive value. And of course, you know, arrests everything when it comes to revenue, aspects of it too. But I think it’s very, very important. For today’s CEOs to know the product to feel it. I actually demo my own product. I can demo my own product. And if I can demo my own product, I think everybody in my organization should demo that our product to sales. That’s the expectation. That was one of the learnings that I did when I was at NC and this emerging solution department where you know where my leaders were actually get on the stage. And no demo? No, you know, mocked-up demos were allowed in keynotes. You actually made it a point to always demo live products. So we spent, yeah, full Yeah, I had to present in one or two keynotes as well. And that taught me a very valuable lesson. Because as you’re testing your own product for a keynote, you realize 10 things that are wrong with it, right? But you go ahead and get them fixed, as well. So it is very daunting to see your EVP at a public company like SAP desk, the product out before getting on the stage. But it sets a culture and rhythm for everybody within the organization to know the test anything before you hand it over to him or her. And I think that has just been ingrained in me that I am constantly looking at our solution. I don’t think you can take me away from it, no matter the task. But yes, knowing your product and seeing customers use it is a huge validation in itself. That process.

Pete Thornton 10:57
Yeah, awesome. Okay, so like it staying close with customers staying close with product. What might be one thing you have to get right? You have to get right, or you have to at least delegate for it to get right in order for your org to grow, if you could only pick one thing.

Somya Kapoor 11:16
Wow, that’s interesting. What do I have to get one thing right? Usage of the product? Again, I’m looking at from a very product lens perspective. But I’ll have to go back and think because I’ve got 10 things on my head right now feed that up to get it right.

Pete Thornton 11:39
Because you’re thinking of like— it’s like the Mexican menu, like which thing? There are 74 items to choose from here on the menu. And so for a CEO, like I’m always curious, like, what one thing if you can narrow it down to one thing? Because it’s such a challenge, it’s such a mental challenge to pull down to the one. That’s interesting. What would it be about usage? Would it be like usage increasing? Would it be the quality of the usage? Like because your previous answer was customer feedback as far as like, and so there’s a little bit of a theme here about usage?

Somya Kapoor 12:13
There is. I think it’s in the phase that we are, you know, our customers using it, how can we make sure they’re using the product even more, they’re coming back in, you know, they’re expanding it, they’re sharing it with employees, or sort of areas usages one. But if I look at from a cultural standpoint, right, apart from the 10 things that I have on my plate, right, the one thing that I would say across borders, stands across my sales marketing support area that I would say is attention to detail, as well as supercritical. Attention to detail really helps build superb products. Design-wise, usage wise, attention to detail and support and success really helps in understanding where the customers dropping off, where can we help increase evangelize certain areas topics, or kind of prevent them from happening, attention to detail, even at marketing kind of helps create market leadership for new spaces that are coming up, attention to detail and support even sales also drives a lot of momentum. So I think if I’m looking at one area across my verticals across horizontals, in my organization for my leaders is attention to detail. But from a product perspective is to drive more usage expansion, retention opportunities right now based on the market.

Pete Thornton 13:35
Yeah. Yeah, can’t like little just can’t can’t argue there. Especially when you’re eight, you’re building the product so rapidly and so quickly and move in and out into the market. Okay, then maybe like it’s after that you’re at the enterprise retreat right now. Love to know how you got to your current stance as like a CEO and co-founder, like I always say, it’s not something you went to college and like, took that course, you know, and now you’re networking with like-minded people, other people in the seat because, again, it’s not something that you’re you can otherwise be fairly lonely there in that seat.

Somya Kapoor 14:08
So you know, I think always started through enterprise software. Building Solutions are being the bridge between business and technology with something was very true to my heart, by certification of university. I have a master’s in computer science. So I’ve done the coding route. But I soon realized that there was a massive bridge that needed to be built at my journey being at SAP between business and technology, actually, phenomenal company to get at the stage that I did. Because I understood enterprise software, I understood how it got tied down to the business of any organization and what drove the usage of an ERP software out in the market. Right, and moved my headwinds into ServiceNow to realize oh, wow, you know, cloud momentum is different. It’s changing the dynamics of our software seen 10 years ago middleware. So friends like Nick, we were in web spheres did survive the need because they were built for on premise solutions. But now if you’re building something for the cloud and tying different systems together, you can really, really build a big company like ServiceNow, using lists and forums. Right. Then, you know, dabbled a little bit of my previous startup around, I was the first employee there, and became part of the founding team, that, you know, building the solution around conversational AI is figured out, you know, it is a DD the VA market, it’s going to disrupt things. But you know, support fundamentally is trying to resolve issues through NLP standpoint, which is great. But there’s this old product usage data that’s available that nobody is finding to understand why is the increase in support tickets, right? Or if there is support tickets, what’s leading to the biggest trend within that right? Is it product related issue? Is it a new feature release? Is it customers using the solution? Why are they not converting? From a free trial to a paid version? What behaviors are missing out? Right? That was a missing piece, in my previous startup, where I was saying, oh, NLP alone cannot solve these problems. And I had tasted blood. You know, I got down from corporate organizations, SAP ServiceNow, public companies, all of a sudden going to start up by being the first employee there. I was like, right? l was I missing out? Why didn’t I do this before?

Pete Thornton 16:29
What were you missing from corporate side? Because there are pros and cons. Like you’re because when you go to the smallest side, and you’re the first employee, you’re like, Hey, do we have this? And the answer is just No. But you could build it, if you wouldn’t mind creating that, thank you so much. There are pros and cons to it. Like, you’ll have the resources on the big, but then you can create the resources on the small like, you can direct the path versus, you know, just getting in with the inertia. What is it that brings? There’s your friend of mine, Sarika guard, she did the same thing from SAP. So yeah, what is it that brings you over to that realm?

Somya Kapoor 17:05
I think it’s the need to build something to solve a problem. on your own terms. I would feel not that, you know, if you’re a VC-backed startup, you get to do everything on your own terms. But actually, you get a lot of autonomy to build a solution that can disrupt the market. We’re too early to say anything at that stage. I think a seed stage CDS is very, very new, but really going out and saying there is a problem that needs to be solved, kinda can get lost in big companies, in my opinion, you’ve spent endless process bureaucratic cycles to figure out how to get through convincing people and then you just go nowhere. In a startup, you just need to get the ball going. Yes, you don’t have the brand recognition. You don’t have the marketing dollars to go after all of that. Right. But if you have perseverance and grit, and passion, I think there’s nothing better than this place.

Pete Thornton 18:05
Okay. Okay. That’s awesome. Yeah. So I was just hearing like to be able to create to solve a problem. And that’s been said, you said, I saw blood like opened here. I was able to see this. This was an issue. Didn’t didn’t. Was there a specific— I think I caught this when you were telling it. Was there a specific issue at the previous startup that you saw that led you to want TheLoops product?

Somya Kapoor 18:26
Yeah, you know, in my previous interaction, in the previous startup, we did a lot more around doing it automation piece. But whenever we went to a CIO, they said, Oh, this is great. You know what, I have a bigger problem on my support and success side, can you help me there? Or you know, are my ticket volumes are like more? Can you help there? Or can you mind and the more and more we started talking to customers, we realized that that problem alone cannot be solved through NLP, it needed a lot more of product context, which means that neither a lot of products data to make that happen. Just recently, I was at disaster, right? Where the CEO of Kodak came on stage. And he said, he looks at two things, right? What is gone calls mining Gong calls and insights and the other support cues. Now imagine, as a CEO, you’re spending time in this new age PLG companies, or at scale SaaS solutions to mine this data? What if I can make this available to you in real-time? I can tell you, Oh, you know, what do you have today? What is trending in your environment is this API that you’ve just launched? By the way, the volume of issues are this much. And this is what your customers are saying and the in fact of releasing this API to your existing base is so much X amount of dollars. Now, I’ve given you an insight not only to see what is going on rather than going a ticket by ticket or a conversation by conversation, see what’s going on or asking your support leader to give you these insights. Now you can act on this data, you can go ahead and say okay, let me pull back the xAPI or Yoda watch. Let me just go ahead Adding creates an enable them materials so that people can understand what’s going on. Or by the way, let me stack rank by customers by this one. And I’m going to go reach out to them and say, Look, let me help you get professional services to help you build this in this way, right? But you can take instantaneous action on that trigger, right on that kind of a trend happening in your environment. This does not happen today, people wait a month later, they’re like, Oh, this is my volumes. The other example that we got was, oh, you know, what a customer getting frustrated to us. And then we spend 72 hours figuring out why the customer is frustrated. And we realized every ticket this customer were in was escalated to engineering. Of course, the customer is going to get frustrated, because they’re going to wait for now, three months, six months for the next release to come out to get that results. How do you understand these kinds of nugget of information, right? And every interaction point? What is the impact to your organization all the way downstream, right? Is a value add, that we’re bringing? right in? It’s the necessity of people building products and today’s solution. It’s the necessity of today’s leaders that are building at scale SaaS solutions to understand how it’s impacting their bottom line.

Pete Thornton 21:16
Did you say—? You used it a few times. It was NLP? There was something that they were using…

Somya Kapoor 21:24
Yeah. Natural Language process.

Pete Thornton 21:26
…that had to do with the conversational AI. Yeah. Okay, natural language processing. And that’s from the conversational AI. Yeah. And that was from the previous organization into what you were actually hearing was a bigger challenge for the economic buyer that you were previously interacting with.

Somya Kapoor 21:44
Exactly. So natural language processing will only resolve repeat kinds of issues, right, it’s not going to resolve your product-related issues. For that you need product conflicts, you need the user behaviors, you need the product signals to understand what is driving this trend. And that correlation is very important. From a technology standpoint, and that’s the premise of Loops, right? How do you bring product context to support and bring everybody in the loop to understand what’s happening for sales?

Pete Thornton 22:15
So who do you like to speak to in an organization who most understands this problem, and let me add some context to it like for various companies, and I’ll reference Postman this my organization for two years. Now. It’s it, there’s a grassroots bottoms-up movement. So we have individual users, they’ll use anything from the free product all the way through to perhaps the enterprise part, mostly with 22 million users, though, on the free or self-serve products. And then there will be an economic buyer who might be like a SVP of, you know, of cloud architecture. And they know that there are these high-level challenges, they don’t really know that the product is solving it at this level and they don’t know how it could solve for it. So there’s a top-down bottom-up. So there are different types of users, like, who are your users? And are your users actually the buyers as well? Who are the personas you interact with mostly?

Somya Kapoor 23:06
Yeah, so the buyers probably could be different. So the buyers are different from the users, the users could be anybody in the post-sales organization, it could be your support agents, it could be, you know, success managers, it could be even the product people leveraging those insights that we’re doing. From a buyer persona perspective, we sell to the support leaders, or, you know, success leaders that have support under their organization as well, because they’re managing board Success and Support, right, depending on the scale of the organization, if you’re anywhere mid-market, typically we see VP of success, owning both success and support in large enterprises. IT support leaders that pretty much it’s the buyer, but the user is anybody in the forced sales organization that wants to understand with these customer interactions, what is trending today, what is my sentiment of the customer, what kind of product-related issues are trending today that’s causing the agitation or, or unrest with a customer or actually preventing them from using the product in some way or the other? Right? So it’s actually in some organizations, I’m even hearing this new term CX leader getting formed, or Chief Customer Officer coming from vain. So those are our buyers. Yeah, I wanted to have a listing here, not in a week by Vt or monthly, actually in real-time, so they can act on it. Right? If the if you ignore that usage is, you know, there’s actually a trend happening or there is an impact to your customer base for your high-profile organization, or the effort your organization is spending with the customer is not adding to the bottom line. Like I’ll tell you we create one chart in our system, where we show customers, the effort that their organization is putting in to serve the customer and the amount that the customer is paying them does not correlate well. You know One organization, we figured out, they figured out 70% of the time was spent with customers that were not paying that much. Why?

Pete Thornton 25:07
That does not match that 80/20 that everybody’s looking for, does it? Parados parenteral is all new to get off as far as that goes.

Somya Kapoor 25:15
That does not. That’s what we’re changing how can you change support and service? Not that you offer it to all care, exclusive customers, but where the business as value, right? Sales is already doing that. Do you think sales spends time with people that are not going to close? In a year or two years time? No, then why support doing that?

Pete Thornton 25:37
Okay, makes sense. Yeah, that’s, that’s really interesting, like a specific challenge for support and kind of like bringing it to the forefront a good UI as well because I was able to see that.

What do you guys look like over the next year. Like your organization, there’ll be a lot of things that you have in front of you already mentioned, it’s a journey you’re never done. But you know, if you have the milestone of 12 months in the future, especially if you’re at this event right now. So you’re probably getting, you know, oh, there’s this, don’t forget to concentrate on this. But what is the what’s the like, when you close your eyes? What’s the kind of vision you have for Loops over the course of 12 months?

Somya Kapoor 26:16
I think that the vision for the next 12 months for Loops is you know, how we really can transform support to become a value driver for every organization that’s doing at scale SaaS solution, right? And how do we bring these nuggets? How do we bring this information not only to support leaders, but to succeed, to product leaders to really drive insights, and then add to the bottom line retention and expansion, as is at the top of the hour of every organization today? Right? It’s not about the net new dollar, it’s actually about Retention and Expansion. And TheLoops is well suited to help you understand why your customers are not adopting new capabilities or where is the BEAM and those interactions and usage of your data. So that’s what we’re here to become as a company that’s not only serving support, but the whole post-sales organization. I call it CX. I don’t know what’s the right term for it. But the whole post-sales organizations. There you go.

Pete Thornton 27:27
See, everybody has their different— Go ahead.

Somya Kapoor 27:32
But I see some industry that like, oh, you know, it means so different, but I’m like anything that’s for sales. That involves Retention and Expansion.

Pete Thornton 27:41
Right. Yeah, that’s interesting. You know, would you as a leader, will you expand into any one department over another to kind of drive these new priorities, the expansion, the retention priorities, is there anything that you have to do different in the next year, just to ensure that you’re doing that as an organization?

Somya Kapoor 27:59
The key element that we want to do is how you can make support as part of the product experience, right? Support should never be disjointed, from your product experience in the end, and if that’s happening, there’s something fundamentally really wrong. Because you know, customers get used to certain behaviors of the product, and they expect that they’re getting, when they read support, they want the same experience aspect of it. Traditionally, support is always seen, you know, disjointed from product. But I think what we are striving with this element of intelligence and actionable insights of bringing the data from all these different sources on how we can bring support as part of the product, in terms of understanding of how you can eliminate in some case, or gauge issues before they happen as well, and provide the necessary measures to leaders to act on them, right? Pretty much the weather forecasting kind of a thing, right? If there’s going to be potential rain happening tomorrow, they will have a you know, everything in place to make sure that our belt clouded for that. How can I see based on your product usage trends, that oh, you know, you are going to face some issues, if you if the customer date fee certain paths and how you’re prepared to make that happen. So I think that’s that’s where we are heading off as a solution and the market, what can we do to make that happen, not only across organization, but in our organization also where support doesn’t become twice the size of engineering has been growing, right? Where it’s kept in line with the scale and the momentum that we would want our customers to use, this is what we’re working towards as well.

Pete Thornton 29:41
Okay, so just kind of maintaining like some ratios within the company alignment from the front of the platform all the way to the back just internally as well. So you can kind of almost have the ideal state. So when you’re referencing for customers kind of consulting to customers, saying this is possible we know because we showcase it internally in our organization.

Somya Kapoor 30:01
Yeah, no, we have a three-prong model that we kind of share with everybody. How do you go from reactive to proactive to preventative measures as you’re growing as an organization. And all of that requires data and the back end, contextualizing the data is where it starts from applying intelligence on top of that data, and then taking preventative measures, using various models to do it in product itself. So we have a whole alignment. And we one of the sample example of that, as well as we scale as an organization.

Pete Thornton 30:39
That’s fantastic. This is quite the journey. I know it is coming from trumping from you know, when you’re just ninja ramping it, you’re trying to create this hockey stick growth, and you guys seem to be having it, do you have two to three people you’d like to thank for the journey to this point?

Somya Kapoor 30:57
I do. There are endless people that I want to thank her for. For, you know, getting us here, I do want to thank guru at PayPal for giving us the huge opportunity as an early-stage startups to show value to his organization, in kind of preventing your contacts happening with the kind of volume and the data, we feel like we pretty much have been able to validate this journey not only for young SaaS companies for but for a very mature organization, like fatal as well. I do want to, you know, thank one of our angel investors, Christina for being a mentor, and I support my sounding person that I can go to therapy at any given point of time because this position definitely requires therapy. If someone is telling you they’re not doing therapy, oh my God, no, I’m just kidding. But you know, it’s a lonely job. There are people that knock your door hundreds of time for more issues than actually resolution, you need someone as a partner in crime that’s actually constantly helping you. And you know, my VCs, you know, I don’t want to pick any one of them, actually, it’s Daltile and best wave, who have been absolutely supportive of a company like ours and a sounding board that we can constantly go back to, to, you know, vet ideas to, to keep open doors, right? Where we don’t feel shied away from, for fear of not asking them, right, so you know, always having open door policy that I can go back to them with any query any issue, and openly discuss that, as I’m on this journey. There are endless people to thank from SAP ServiceNow to be where I am and my personal career. It’s not but, for now, I would say those three people that I would really written thank, and since speeches are only three, I would add a fourth one, too, which is my co-founder, for bearing with me for two years.

Pete Thornton 33:06
Yeah, good team. Good team. Yeah.

Somya Kapoor 33:09
It takes a lot. And I think startups that are successful as acquire that, that, you know, I don’t want to say that, that understanding between the Go founders, that when things get tough, they’re going to be difficult discussions. But you know, we always get back on the board when a company comes more important than anything else, right? Driving results for the company are more important than any personal grudges.

Pete Thornton 33:36
Okay, yeah, they kind of that it takes a village kind of kind of feel. It certainly seems like you’re surrounded by the right people, which is, which is really, really important. I can only imagine. Okay, then this is the title of the show course like The SaaS Ramp Podcast. What does SaaS(ramp) mean to you?

Somya Kapoor 33:53
Wow. Well, in today’s market, it means doing more with less. SaaS solutions today are built with, you know, you can build software more faster than ever before. With the cloud solution and technology. You have tools and technologies available to you to drive each function even more faster with less number of resources because you get insights. So SaaS(ramp) to me means you’re doing more with less.

Pete Thornton 34:29
So it’s solid. I mean, it’s good. It certainly does because you’re trying to go fast, stay lean, make the right decisions. You have tools at your disposal, pick the right ones, make sure you’re leveraging data. Yeah, that’s a good sound bite for that. You know, we have to pull it off for some of this quote. So I like it when it’s cited nice and concise, do more with less boom, Somya Kapoor. Makes it easy on me.

Somya Kapoor 34:54
Yeah, no, it is. It is today’s mantra and I think SaaS(ramp) lets you do that. It’s taking data, but it’s no longer taking see that’s driving insights and make them actionable. And how you can do that. Today. It’s all about true SaaS(ramp).

Pete Thornton 35:10
Awesome. Awesome. That’s great. Well, thank you so much appreciate your participation. Thank you for letting us drag you away from these other CEOs for 45 minutes. And, and if you see my boss, if you see up and off walking around, tell him Hello. And then and then make sure he knows that we’re we just connected over here. And to reach out to me if he needs to know a little bit more about TheLoops. Or send them the podcast, too.

Somya Kapoor 35:33
I will. I will. If I see him, I will definitely tell him you know why, but I’ve been I just finished a podcast with Pete. And he’s doing a phenomenal job of bringing people in to share these common insights.

Pete Thornton 35:45
Make sure he understands how API-driven your company is to and he’ll pat me on the back.

Somya Kapoor 35:52
I will. I will tell him that.

Pete Thornton 35:55
Awesome. Brilliant. Have a great rest of your event. Thank you so much.

Somya Kapoor 35:58
Thanks a lot, Pete. This was great. Thank you.